If I may, I’d like to quote a great contemporary writer to open up my "monologue” this week.
“I hope you didn’t get any other ideas from this page. This isn’t that kind of story. No way.”
-Jason Biamonte
This got me laughing last week after reading Jason’s post. Contrary to what you may believe, I don’t read Jason’s posts ahead of time. I wait until they are in my inbox, same as you. I want to be surprised by this story at least once each week. And since I already know what’s going to happen, I have to savor the little bits of newness that I have access to; Jason’s posts being one of those things.
I loved hearing his background on “the kiss.” I remember it was something we had talked about, or at least, it came across the table in our plotting conversations. All I knew is that at the time, we agreed to A kiss. Just one. But Jason never told me how it would be implemented. So reading about where he pulled that scene from was something special.
I’m some kind of weird hopeless romantic-type. And I probably annoyed Jason quite a bit early on, pushing for a love interest angle for Penny and Colton. While I still would love to see them become more, I know that it isn’t a service to the story right now. I’m not going to tell you if they ever become more than friends…or even if they actually become friends (#nospoilersgoddamnit), but I would love for them to find *something* in each other.
Even if this isn’t that kind of story.
And quickly before I go, here’s my little piece about this page for this week. Does anything look familiar to you about that second to last panel? The one of them on the floor? If you’re feeling some sort of deja vu, just know that is intentional.
Did you notice Penny lost a shoe? And know is laid out with Colton on a floor strewn with stuff. I used the popular scene from Darren Aronofsky’s Requiem for a Dream to make that panel come to life.
Knowing this scene was ahead, I started the build to this panel with Penny losing a shoe to at least partially match Jennifer Connelly. I didn’t want the scene to look the exact same, as they are meant to convey two different feelings, but I ultimately wanted this scene to come to mind when you saw that panel.