Now that the donnybrook at Fortescue Manor has abated for the time being, we switch over to the Agency. This is actually the newest addition to this chapter. That’s not to say that this scene was thrown in at the eleventh hour, actually this scene was first conceived a few years ago, but compared to the rest of the chapter’s story beats this one is still quite new for me. It’s a quick scene, this page is all there is, but it is introducing a story thread that will continue throughout the rest of this second Volume, and its consequences will naturally carry over into the third and final Volume too.
So why would I have the gall to add another scene in a chapter where there is already plenty of events unfolding? Well, for one thing, the page count for Chapter 4 was at 29, and I figured 30 was just a better number to end the chapter with. There was also the matter of Agent 629 here. Mainly, when looking over the course of the story in this Volume, I saw he didn’t really have much to do. His only scenes were connected with Colton, and those were fairly sparse. It didn’t seem like I was utilizing him as well as I could be in this Volume. So, I began to ponder on what could be done with him, and at some point, this storyline started to unfold. Not only did it give 629 something to do throughout Volume 2, but it had the added advantage of giving us a better look at the workings of the Agency, and even giving other characters like Harry and Director Towser more time in the spotlight as well. Trust me when I say all of that will pay off in later chapters.
While I had a concern that adding in this new stuff might throw off what was already planned, it ended up complementing and strengthening the plans. That doesn’t always happen like that, but it’s nice when it does. The Jacket’s story is mostly mapped out. We know the broad strokes of where we’re going, though some of the ways in which we get there are a bit foggy. Namely, a lot of Volume 2 was, for me at least. This new storyline helped to clear that fog, and now the road to the end is a lot clearer and makes more sense to me. Which helps me a ton, as I’m one of those writers who needs to have some plan of where to go.
We’ve been at this story for a long time now. Some might argue too long, and I wouldn’t disagree. As frustrating and disheartening as it’s been, I’d be lying if I said the story would be just as strong if we had finished earlier. Stuff like this scene wouldn’t be there. Hell, this entire chapter would look and read differently. And I’d probably be looking back with extreme dissatisfaction, looking at all the things I didn’t do and should have done instead. And The Jacket would forever be associated with deep, intense regret, and who needs more of that? So perhaps, just perhaps, the extended time of work was almost worth it, as the result was a better, stronger story. At least I believe it is, but again, the final verdict is left to you the reader.
All that rambling drivel aside, this page opens up a new story thread, and with that comes a new batch of questions that will surely be floating throughout your mind. But as I’ve said that this is just the start of an arc that will span the next few chapters, you can bet that the answers won’t take too long to arrive.