Welcome back to The Jacket Tuesday!
My bad. This week crept up on me so quick, that I didn’t have the next page lettered and set up ready to go until…well, last night. That’s on me. This has been just one of those weeks. I spent some of my day on Sunday with my daughter in urgent care (she’s doing fine), and then this week is the start of me teaching classes after break so I’m swamped prepping for that. It was just a perfect storm that I was very unprepared to deal with.
Though, enough about me. Welcome back, and I hope you enjoyed this page. This is one of those pages with a few hidden elements featuring things that Jason didn’t ask for (that I can recall), including a small callback to when he and I were first creating Harker’s character and sharing inspirations.
The first hidden thing is something you can find for yourself. All I will say is, the watchful eye of Diamond City is always present.
Second, if you didn’t know it, you wouldn’t even see it. That picture on Harker’s mirror in the last panel. It is the callback to one of Harker’s inspirations that Jason had.
It is a picture of Harker, with his arm around William Foster, played by Michael Douglas in the film Falling Down. It is sort of a film with ideas of descending slowly into madness, but still believing that it is the world that is crazy, not you. There is much more to it than that, and you of course could watch it (or have) and get something else out of it. Which is exactly why storytelling is so beautiful.
That’s it for me today. Jason will be back TOMORROW, I promise. The page is ready for him. And otherwise, I’ll see you all next Tuesday.