Okay, okay…I should take a hint. Another Tuesday has come and gone. I may have gotten caught up with life and forgot to letter the pages for this week. But alas, all is remedied as you get another Jacket Wednesday and Thursday! So, back-to-back posts without the extra day in between!
That’s a good deal, right?
Well at least we’re finally reaching the end of Chapter 4. Not that that means things aren’t happening, because I assure you, we still have some BOMBS to drop.
In fact, one of those bombs actually started dropping in the last page, which you would have read about in Jason’s commentary. On this page, we push it a little further in the last panel, but again, it’ll definitely get talked about more later on. Yeah, I’m talking about Harker’s shades.
So let me tell you a little bit about this guy we’ve got here, one President “Good Hands” Carnelius. It had a bit of trouble with him in the beginning. I had this very distinct, old, villainous look that I wanted to come across his face, but I just wasn’t hitting it. You can see that in Chapter 1 for sure. I absolutely know I can continue to improve him, but the difference was made when I started basing him on a real person. At least, they WERE a real person.
Sadly, I can’t find a picture. I had one, because I painted it for my mom, but that original picture seems to be lost. I just spent like 30 minutes trying to find it on my computer.::sigh::
Anyway, Mr. Good Hands is actually visually based on my grandfather, who passed away a few years ago. I did that painting I mentioned for my mom, and as I was painting my 40-something year-old grandfather, it just clicked one day. I started sketching and sketching and made sure that the incarnation of Carnelius that we have today is almost entirely based on that younger picture.
And I would like to clarify something, just in case my mom is reading this. I did NOT pick my grandfather because he was a villain or some a-hole. I picked him because he had the right look, that I found while drawing something else. Though, him being an a-hole sometimes surely didn’t STOP me from picking him.
Jason is back with you tomorrow. That’s all, folks.